Monday, May 13, 2013

Red Robin

Yum indeed!
I initially didn't plan to blog fast food places (Popeye's HAD to be done) but since Red Robin has waiters I figured it's close enough to be blog-able.
When we finally got around to trying Red Robin our party was too large for me to keep track of what everyone ordered so I'm only going to tell you my own experience.

pretzel bites with beer cheese dip-- we ordered this as an appetizer but it never arrived. After our food arrived, the appetizer did too! Nice. The waiter apologized for the mix up and offered to pay for the pretzels so that was awesome. That is customer service!

bleu burger-- perfectly cooked beef, onion straws, bleu cheese, and a jalapeno spread. Once I got past the burning mouth introduction I really enjoyed this burger. I'm not a huge burger fan so it means something if I really like it. The menu had so many burger options so there's something for everyone.

# of hairs found in food: 0
# of items that did not belong: 0
# of items that belonged but arrived late: 1
Flavor: tasty for a fast food type of place
Price tag: affordable
family friendly: yep
Service: even though they screwed up an order, they fixed it properly
Atmosphere: much like a Steak N Shake
Do it again? If we're stuck at the Mall and the Chik-fil-a line is too long, YES

Harry's Part 2 -- Mother's Day

I wasn't cooking a darn thing this year on Mother's Day. Nothing. No way. Not even for my own Mama. She lucked out on this because it meant I had to take her somewhere. We knew we were destined for hour(s) long waits, a table next to the backed up bathroom, and a waitress ready to strangle the next person who asks for more bread. Yay Gainesville!
I was smart enough to call ahead so, somehow, we had no wait at all when we walked in. I could see, but not smell, the bathrooms so that was an additional plus. The waitress even let me live when I asked (nicely!) if we could have bread! I could tell it was gonna be a good day.

fried green tomatoes-- These had a nice crunch but I could have done without the spicy sauce on top. Maybe I will request some ranch or sour cream next time.

crab cakes-- very tasty but for $10 we only got two cakes. Yikes!

Louisiana fondeaux-- always a fave!

# of hairs found in food: 0
# of items that did not belong: 0
Flavor: yummy
Price tag: pretty pricey
family friendly: yep
Service: we had to request multiple things multiple times, but she was busy and nice about it
Atmosphere: clean and inviting
Do it again? Rarely, but only because I hate driving downtown. I'll go if you drive!


Longhorn Steakhouse

We love Longhorn. Love it. One of the great things about traveling is hitting up new (or not local to us) eating establishments. We have this place listed as a Favorite on our GPS system so you know we do what it takes to make it work out. On this day, the only Longhorn on our route brought us to dinner at 4pm. Oh well. I can pretend to be elderly if that's what it takes.

sirloin and a baked potato-- cooked just right

bacon bourbon topped sirloin with garlic mashed potato-- the steak was very tasty though I wasn't a fan of the bourbon sauce. It was a bit too sweet for me. The mashed potatoes were wonderful. Creamy and flavorful like a "mashed" potato should be.

ultimate mac and cheese-- I would order this over and over. It was a big pile of cheese with a few noodles tossed in. Mmmmmm.

Cesar salad-- We try to order this salad at each restaurant to get a good feel for the place. Do they put forth effort in every way, including in the small pre-dinner salad? I vote YES for Longhorn. I really enjoyed the salad. Big shavings of cheese and very garlicky dressing.

# of hairs found in food: 0
# of items that did not belong: 0
Flavor: very
Price tag: pretty pricey
family friendly: yep
Service: great service
Atmosphere: typical steakhouse
Do it again? on every trip I take