Saturday, March 23, 2013


I didn't plan to add fast food to my list of entries but this one HAD to be shared. After church one day I convinced Brian to take us through the Popeye's drive-thru. I have never eaten there and the commercials were just too convincing. We hauled the van full of children all the way over there and pulled in. You don't get to see the menu ahead of time so you don't get much time to figure out what your options are. We pull up to the speaker/menu and here's about how it went:
Crazy employee: "Can I help you?"
Brian: "Can I get the Family Feast with a side of...(interrupted by Crazy as she tries to sell us something else)...okay that's fine. I would like a side of...(interrupted AGAIN as she tells us we don't get a side with the thing we changed our order to)...then no I don't want that. I want the Family Feast with a side of...(interrupted AGAIN to ask what side)...I would also like an order of shrimp."
Crazy employee: "The shrimp will take 4 minutes to cook.You'll have to wait."
Brian: "Fine. Never mind then."
Crazy employee: "That it?"
Brian: "No. I also want--
Crazy employee: "Could ya'll hurry up! I'm on a timer!"
Brian: *silence*
Me: *laughing in shock* "Are you kidding me?!"
My children in the back: *looks of shock and fear*

We go to collect our food and don't even get the right food. It made no sense. Normally we just suck it up and move on when we encounter crappy people but that was just ridiculous so we called the store to speak to a manager. The manager, no surprise, basically acted shocked and then said she can't take her off the speaker for another few hours. I can't even imagine how that talk went...if it even happened. I can laugh about the whole thing now, but at the time I wanted to go all Madea on that chick and drive my car through the store.
# of hairs found in food: 0
# of items that did not belong: 1
Flavor: good biscuits but that's about it
Price tag: cheap, but you get what you pay for
Service: like a scene from a Tyler Perry movie
Do it again? Never ever

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that sounds awful. I got pissed off just reading about it.
